SUBJECT>Re: ET's at the platform as much as bunnies at Eastern !! (T&K) POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>June 09, 1997 at 12:21:03 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2319 NEXT>2321 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Okay Taz, direct approach, but no hands up, as it might look hostile, for they perhaps
can't differ between arms or weapons. Okay Koala, pausing, whenever an ET out-
wardly takes notice of him. Moving slightly back and then forward again as a gesture
of greeting. Playing possum with hands up as ultimate devote gesture, if they are
moving hostile against him. Placing the transmitter let's say 20 meter in front off the
platform, as these Et's are faster than Zachary, then moving back okay 10 meter.
Then repeating the gesture by placing the transmitter 2 meter closer each time.
Gail remains covered and keeps observing and reporting.

Hope I will get that all through, for I have only few minutes left, but will do my best,
or finish in the evening. On the other hand feel free to post by your own.
