SUBJECT>Ooops. (Content enclosed) POSTER>T STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>June 06, 1997 at 18:23:27 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2308 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Sorry about throwing out OLD IDEAS in the prior message. I was away and missed A.S.'s second message and the group's analysis of same. Thanks, redwing for alerting me to the archive and for not slapping me up publicly.

New Business:

We have known since March that other missions (probably hostile) were on their way to Mars (see history page). It has been several weeks since A.S. confirmed the probable hostility and arrival sequence. A.S. has also provided some insight to the methods and goals of some of the MN's. We now learn that the first arrival is only (less than?) two weeks away. What do we plan to do about this?

For some time, we were concerned that the MN's were sending manned missions - based on this belief, we have continued production of housing facilities on Mars. It now seems less likely that any of the MN groups are sending people, so we may not need housing facilities any longer.

Overall we seem to be taking a wait and see approach. I feel this is a mistake. While it may not be wise/ethical to take an agressive / hostile approach to the MN arrivials, I feel it is simple foolishness to not be prepared for the possibility of hostile intent on their part (especially now that it seems certain).

Let's start some brainstorming:

If attacked, should the probes defend themselves?
If attacked, should the probes become agressors?
How can the probes defend / attack?
What is our weakest point - how can we defend it?
How can we protect the probes?
How can we protect the drones?
How can we protect the cave entrances?
How can we protect the Stage 1 lander?
How can we protect the Stage 2 factory?
How can we protect the Aliens?

I have free-associated enough. Let's hear some ideas before we run out of time to prepare.