SUBJECT>Re: Zachary's Discovery POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>May 30, 1997 at 02:20:18 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2253 NEXT>2258 LINKNAME> LINKURL>
I think it's good to keep this interpretation in mind. If it's a map, this thing is of enormous
dimension. Diameter of Olympus Mons is 600 km at the escarpments, where the 12 entrances
were located. The white circle could be the top plateau with a diameter of about 100 - 150 km.
That means our probes would have been exploring only the area of the "neuro-cells" yet.
About your questions: Rotation period of mars is 1.026 Earth days.- According to Herodot the
division of a day by two times of twelve hours was taken by the Greeks from the Babylonian
culture. So it's just a human convention.