SUBJECT>Re: Zachary's Discovery POSTER>joule EMAIL>@the.lab DATE>May 29, 1997 at 18:42:59 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2253 NEXT>2260 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I thought of a map too. I don't think there's anything to do with the number of hours in a Martian day. Our units of time are mostly arbitrary. Had we evolved and invented clocks on a planet with a different length day, we might still have 12 "hours" in a day, but they wouldn't be the same length of time as "Earth hours". The EBE's would only use our units if they were not in fact *extra* terrestrial, but instead humans from Earth. [An aside: I don't know the full history of our choice for units of time, but I seem to recall that around the time of the metric system was adopted in France, there was talk of using a "metric" clock based on units divisable by 10 instead of twelve.]
