SUBJECT>Zachary's Discovery POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>May 29, 1997 at 13:17:32 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2255 2256 2259 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The image on the object Zachary and Gail have discovered could be interpreted as a map.

I have resisted describing the image as a stylized picture of the head of the ETs. It is just too easy and too unlikely. How many times have we put an image of a human head prominently on one of our probes? I just don't buy the argument.

If it is a map, let's say the large white circle is Olympus Mons. The projections running away from it probably represent tunnels with the two semi-circular tunnels at the top providing access to 5 others.

Since there are 12 "appendages" lets identify them as hour points on a clock. I think the two caves that provide access to the tunnels are at the 11 and 1 o'clock positions. They most closely correspond to the description of having 3 choices of direction after a short walk.

BTW: Who knows the number of hours in a Martian day? Is it 24? How much more, or less? Does the clock analogy hold? Is it a significant one or just more Earth-centric thinking?

OK guys, I've asked the questions... who has the answers?

Koala, Captain, Team Andrew