SUBJECT>OK, let's try to remain calm. POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 28, 1997 at 07:55:51 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2239 2240 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The image is obviously of probe legs - two, I think...
But, let us not just jump to the most obvious conclusion.

It is not logical to assume that whatever got Bette would just dissect her. Let us now consider the possibilities.

-- In the blast where Bette was disabled two legs were damaged. It was necessary to remove those legs to affect repairs.

-- The beanie following Enoch observed his damaged legs. He removed two of Bette's legs after Bette was blasted to use to repair Enoch.

-- Those are duplicate legs, made by carefully observing Bette's legs and their construction and operation.

Further speculation anyone???

