SUBJECT>Re: Walk or ride??? POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>May 22, 1997 at 07:49:30 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2217 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>
I've taken every reference to Martian technological expertise made by the probes with a grain of salt...a very large grain of salt (you know, golf ball sized). This was reinforced when Enoch claimed the title of 'technological guru' because he had ridden a tram, whereas Andrew laid claim to the same title at the same time because he had ridden an elevator (maybe it's a tennis ball sized grain of salt). Let us not forget that we are essentially dealing with children here.
OK, with that said, I would think that riding the tram again could take the probes back to Bette's last known position, but it will take a massive dose of fortune/karma/divine intervention in order to do so in a timely fashion. I came to this opinion by simply placing myself in E&A's place. I get into the tram and look at the sphere. What hope do I have of understanding this thing without winding up so lost that I am actually on Phobos? I mean, by the time I figure out what actions cause certain reactions by the tram, I'll have no idea where I am or how to get back to where I want to be.
Am I AGAINST them taking the tram? Definitely not. But if they do go tramming once again, we need to be prepared for A&E to be terminally misplaced.