SUBJECT>Walk or ride??? POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 22, 1997 at 07:03:13 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2218 2220 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Andrew wants to walk because the tram is too "unpredictable". Enoch thinks he knows how to "drive" the tram.

There are good arguments for both.
If Enoch can, indeed, drive the tram, then explorations and the search for Bette will certainly be hastened. However, as we have seen, Enoch can sometimes overestimate his understanding of technology, especially alien technology. Also, they might just zip too quickly into a difficult situation.

Now, if we try and play it safe, it might be days or weeks before they find Bette, and on foot they are "sitting ducks" for ET "laser beams", but then again it would probably be easier to "sneak up" on those nasty ol' ET's on foot.

My shaky recommendation...let Enoch give it at try.

