SUBJECT>Re: Could Z's cave be like Bette's airlock? POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 21, 1997 at 11:14:14 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2208 NEXT>2214 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I think that it is very likely that this is a large "service" airlock, one through which large robotic units or vehicles could pass. If so, it is very likely that Zachary must pass the second door before the first door will open again.

Could the noise have been the air movement "hiss" that Bette heard when she entered the airlock?

Yesterday, I posted to Zachary and Gail instructions on how to proceed based on this analysis. Apparently they didn't receive them or did not choose to follow them. Hmmmmm...did I leave anything out? Should he touch the other metel/not metal device? Should he go to the other door? Is there some second trigger for the second door?

Hoping I'm not way off here...

