SUBJECT>Re: Dr.D POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 16, 1997 at 11:28:04 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2164 NEXT>2171 2178 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I have just a bit of a bone to pick with you.

I once had to tell my in-laws, "please do not ever again criticize me to my children - even in jest".

D, I know you have been frustrated lately with the lack of activity on the boards and in probe control, but please do not belittle us in messages to the probes. If we are to be successful in our efforts here the probes must have confidence and trust in us. We got the message about being more active here and made a concerted effort yesterday to increase discussion. If we need to be scolded - fine, we can take it - but do it here or at the MessHall, not in messages to the probes. We will try to be as active as possible here, but please remember we, just as much as you, hold down other jobs (some of us multiple jobs). We're doing the best we can with the time and resources we have at our disposal.

I hope I have not offended you too greatly. I just wanted to let you know how I feel.

