SUBJECT>Re: That works for me (nim). Me, too! (nim, as well) POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>May 16, 1997 at 09:31:08 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2161 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

OK, so I lied, there is something here.

But I knew you'd be clicking on the message itself just to "blue out" the link so that you knew that you read it already. That's OK. I do it, too.

There's nothing more annoying than reading a post that I've already read before, especially when the 'net is running s-l-o-w.

No, wait. There is something more annoying than reading a post that I've already read before, especially when the 'net is running s-l-o-w. It's having to read a post that just rambles on and on and on about nothing in particular, like what kind of posts annoy the insignificant poster or what kind of weather said insignificant poster is having at that particular moment, which, by the way, is particularly nice here in Cincinnati which is in southwestern Ohio, as if you couldn't look that up on a map.

Oh, sorry! I did say "nim", didn't I?
