SUBJECT>WSU: Metal/Not Metal & Rocktalk POSTER>Psiclops EMAIL> DATE>May 15, 1997 at 12:24:22 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2143 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

What would an electrified piece of metal look like to a probe? Sure they could identify the metal, but what about the electric field? A direct touch with a sensor would certainly interfere with the proper operation of the sensor, i.e. Bette's not being able to see for 2.4 seconds, or whatever it was.

Further, what if the rocktalk has to do with electric currents? Someone who knows about this will have to confirm/deny, since I don't know anything about it. Does electricity run in cycles/second of prime numbers (i.e. 5 cycles/second, etc.) that go higher as the voltage increases? If I'm way off on this, maybe Daniel was trying to tell the other probes how to activate/deactivate metal/not metal objects, or how to interact with them safely.

Grasping at straws,