SUBJECT>Need a plan...quick! POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>May 15, 1997 at 09:04:01 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2136 2137 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Felicitations fellow MARSupials.

We need a plan quickly, like by this evening. "For what?" you ask. Well, just in case the tram approaching Andrew and Enoch happens to be occupied.

How do we have the probes act when they encounter an ET (Extraterrestrial Thing*)? What movements do they make or actions do they perform to convey friendliness (or at least, minimize possible misinterpretation)?

Speak up! We need answers fast!

* - I figure ET is easier than EME/EBE and is really just as acurate until we get more data.
