SUBJECT>Alien(?) speculation POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 14, 1997 at 07:29:36 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2107 NEXT>2111 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I had just assumed that the EME's were native.

P&H were very worried about the Japanese team arriving. Perhaps they have. Here are some points to consider - some pro, some con.

-- The way I interpreted the "rumbling noises" was that when Bette activated the airlock the whole system seemed to "activate" or come to life. I thought then that the place had been abandoned and that Bette had triggered the "reboot" mechanism.

-- The white energy beam appears to be alien technology to me. Here's why. Despite what you see in the movies, lasers or light beams are invisible unless they strike something and reflect or refract. Now I realize that Bette's sensors work differently than our eyes, but she did describe it as a beam of white light. I'm not aware of any technology that would create a visible beam of white light powerful enough to do damage to Bette. Anybody have any suggestions here??? It could be that the beam did not do any physical damage but only disrupted electric or electronic function within Bette and/or Daniel.


Once again, straw grasping...
