SUBJECT>Re: How 'bout a shield??? POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>May 14, 1997 at 06:36:06 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2106 NEXT>2109 2110 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Taz said:
"Do we just give up this wonderful opportunity for discovery because the dog barked when we opened the front door?"

Your point is well taken, Taz, but there are two things I'd like to point out as cautionary notes.

First, we are not sure that we came in via the front door. In fact, now that I think about it, we more than likely entered via the chimney (remember the fans and carbon dust?). Sort of like Santa Probes.

Second, with a 30% loss rate right now, that puppy's been doing more than barking.

So, I think that since we know not where the doorbell is, we need to keep exploring, bearing in mind that this place MAY be inhabited by its rightful owners.
