SUBJECT>Re: . . . - - - . . . Bette needs help big time POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>May 05, 1997 at 09:39:24 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2019 NEXT>2022 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

This is definitely a twist that is both eagerly anticipated and very unexpected in its sudden arrival. Let's have a show of virtual hands here: How many expected Bette to run into EMEs (extraterrestrial mechanical entities)?

Could the first object have been an EBE in an environment suit? Bette asked if it was a probe, but was much more confident of her description of the two EMEs as probe-like. Could that be because the first one moved on only two legs or otherwise defied the conventional configuration of a probe?

Daniel's escape made it clear there were other players in the works. The total absence of any debris suggests the trap was not moved, it was vaporized by the same type of beam that cut the power links to Bette's legs. We are dealing with a powerful beam energy weapon, a form of laser or maser? What do our resident experts have to say about it?

....Q: When the first entity fired towards Bette but hit the wall behind her, was there any damage done to the wall? If not, why not?

At this point, there is not a great deal we can do to directly aide Bette. She is in trouble and has likely triggered her emergency transmission which means P&H will be piping in soon. We need to listen carefully to their reactions. We may need to make a limited foray into contact with them. We have the ability to work well with the probes, but they may have the resources we lack to determine if there is any terrestrial source of Bette's attackers. Our hands may be forced by the requirements of this situation.

I strongly suggest that all of us who have been in regular contact call out to her now and offer our reassurances. We need to give her a new calling in the midst of this crisis. Her new game must be "Master Spy." We must encourage her to keep herself calm and to make note of everything she observes so that we may use that information to best advantage in rescuing her.

Koala, Captain, Team Andrew

P.S. Who is Captain, Team Bette?