SUBJECT>Re: Xanthos, the Wise Guy (Psiclops) POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>May 02, 1997 at 09:42:11 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2012 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi joule,

I think, it doesn't make much difference to H&P, if I'm a horse or a human.
What they are on is that I'm using a codename, like let's say Space Turtle or
T-Bird or Grand Zero. The fact that I'm a horse, is just a small side effect and
doesn't really bother now and I think won't really bother in the future. I think
you even would call me a horse too, if you could see my daily breakfast.

Anyway, it might be opportune not to put too much effort to transport exactly
this fact to H&P, as it's really of secondary nature.

