SUBJECT>Re: Control codes, security, and Parker and Hardon..... (Moved Up) POSTER>Psiclops EMAIL> DATE>March 24, 1997 at 14:10:54 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1466 NEXT>1476 1477 LINKNAME> LINKURL>


>*** Parker and Hardon knoe who we are!! ***

Bingo. The only other possible explanation is if Gail mentioned Toasted and me specifically to Parker, but I doubt she would if she doesn't like him.

I think the only conclusion here is that either Hardon and Parker know about this board and are reading our outgoing transmissions here, or they've figured out how to intercept the outgoing signals. I believe it's fair to assume everything we say, here and to the probes, is being monitored.

Now whether H & P represent the multinationals remains to be proven, although it's probably just a question of time.
