SUBJECT>Control codes, security, and Parker and Hardon..... (Moved Up) POSTER>Taz EMAIL> DATE>March 24, 1997 at 10:10:10 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1467 1468 1474 1479 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

SkyKing stated "that our transmissions are not being intercepted", and "if the MNs *were* aware of us, they would dismiss our efforts with a wave of the hand. They are probably very arrogant, and secure in their own technology."

Gails stated "Parker told me to help Andrew, Psiclops and Toasted, ...".

*** Parker and Hardon knoe who we are!! ***

There are at least three possibilities:

1) If SkyKing is right, then Parker and Hardon are NOT part of the MN force, but are lurkers here at MarsDawn who have somehow established contact with the probes and are attempting to "take over".
2) SkyKing is incorrect and the transmissions are being intercepted (Intercepted is probably not the right word since it does appear that the intended recipients are receiving them).
3) SkyKing is incorrect and the MNs do know of us, and are trying to use our relationship with probes to do their work for them. I think I have to agree with Joule(?) about "rethinking" setting up the landing site.

Taz aka JASE