SUBJECT>Re: Team Captains!! POSTER>Jet Star EMAIL> DATE>March 19, 1997 at 11:23:09 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1375 NEXT>1378 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Team Captains are a great idea. That was going to be step 2, after people signed up with their respective probes. Now tha tit is put on the table, here are some other things that I was working on teamwise.

1) Somethings that teams should do is be in contact with each other, e-mail should make this a snap. This should allow for probe planning sessions.

2) A concenses of what to have a probe do should be arrived at. Once arrived, the team captain should contact the probe and relay information. That is not to say that other members should not have direct probe conpact, but the team captain should have priority.

3) The MarsDawn team should set the priorities of the probes as follows: Team captain, team, other members of Marsdawn.

4) There should be one overriding member of the community that can override other commands. I'm not sure why, thing of it as a fail safe/security measure. And speaking of security, who better than Lt.Com. Snake for that role?

These are my thoughts, anyothers?

On line now that my wife is at work