SUBJECT>Re: A little answer for you: POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>March 17, 1997 at 08:24:59 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1311 NEXT>1314 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

If they do not speak, they do not lie.

Now as for applicaton to the probes...Perhaps like a very young child they do not know how to lie. I doubt that the probes' initial programming makes provision for analyzing for truth or expressing anything that is untrue. Therefore, if the truth is uncomfortable, rather than express a falsehood, they avoid speaking of it, or speak as far as they know without elaboration.

Now can we apply this to the situation where one probe told us that interprobe communication occurs via the comm. platform just like their communications with earth, and now other probes proceed to set up a communications relay where a probe relays communications from other probes to the platform?


Let me think some more.

