SUBJECT>Re: Z & E (Dr. Ibanez, Xanthos) POSTER>Dr. Ibanez EMAIL> DATE>March 16, 1997 at 19:09:44 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1278 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

This is essentially what I had in mind. I am concerned, overall, for the psychological well being of the probes. The long period of no communication during which they began to develop their rudamentary "personalities" was essentially without any guidance. Much like a child developing from birth to age three without any parental imput. I would like to offer my services to any & all teams in this area. My extensive experience in AI development may be of use. The MDOLA project was very successful until the military attempted to corrupt it's purpose.
(Please see my Bio posted in the Mess Hall for more details.) You did the correct thing in stressing the team philosophy to Zachary. I believe consistent possitive discussion on this concept with ALL the probes will enhance their abilities to work together & will vastly improve their collective problem solving capabilities. It is evident that each probe has progressed "intelecually" at different speeds & their "emotional" responses as well. By combining their collective AI resources they will greatly increase their success rates.