SUBJECT>Re: Confusing Transmissions **J.A.S.E.*** POSTER>LtCdr Snake EMAIL> DATE>March 15, 1997 at 22:32:45 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1255 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>


A couple things,

1. Please get your OWN brand of "identifier" for the person your post is intended for. Every time I look and see your ***abcdefg*** It catches my eye and I think it's mine and download it only to find out I have never seen it before and don't need it anyway.
I am sure with your witts you can devise another scheme. I purposely devised that one Years ago for the "Blurry spot" in vision that I got from a rather sharp blow to the head years ago. The pattern/shape is easy to identify for me and that saves headaches.

2. This is purely my opinion and you can tell me to go hang fire but...

Your'e post to Space Turtel (who is a friend mine admittedly) is harsh,rude, a bit pompous and frankly overbearingly out of line. I would hope you can tone down your rhetoric amongst FRIENDS and remember you are all working twords the same goals. I might add Space Turtel is VERY KIND to you in his response but I would have some manners from here on out.

LtCdr Snake