SUBJECT>Re: Attention All * Human Team Building * POSTER>T-Bird STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>March 14, 1997 at 13:28:45 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1261 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Thanks J.A.S.E. for identifying my lack of clarity.

I would like to clarify MY understanding of the possible "restrictions" in transmitting to the probes. Dilyn and the Wizards will have to correct me if my interpetation is incorrect.

EVERYONE will continue to be able to transmit conversation to the probes. This will not change.

We are unable to send direct orders (we don't have command codes). The probes do seem willing to do most anything we ask of them (reguardless of who we are). We have seen that the probes prioritize requests which are sent to them. I beleive it is possible to instruct the probes that messages from specific people (embedded priority code in transmission) should be given higher priority than the general discussion (without priority code) messages.

This method would allow all of us to keep the probes company by engaging in conversation, but will also allow some ability to focus our efforts in directing probes on tasks which are identified as most important to the teams.

I beleive the Wizards on Dilyn's team can create a utility which will automatically add the priority code to messages sent by the specified individuals.

I hope this clarifies my intent. Now that you are all on Dilyn's team, I and the rest of the original team can not, and will not force our ideas. You are free to use, modify or discard any ideas as you see fit. I think I speak for the rest in saying we will do anythink we can to make your wishes happen.