SUBJECT>Walking at the Mons (pretty long too, but not bad) POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>March 14, 1997 at 11:37:59 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1268 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Okay, I did a little geographical studying or should I say
marsographicals, so I won't be corrected by Zachary.

If you look at

You will have Olympus Mons exactly in the center of the Mars-globe.
Clicking the D-button for descending you see O.M. and the three big
Vulcanos SE to W and with a further click you see O. M. with a big
Crater basin in the NW and riffs in SE (probably parts of the Tharsis
shield) next click you get O.M with his full diameter of 624 km and
his top 27 km above surrounding level. Next click gives you the best
view of the inner crater provided by this URL and you see very steep
and high top crater walls at the very top with probably a flat area directly
W at the buttom of the top crater. (inner crater - silver line - shadow -
flat area - down hill - sun strip)

This URL gives you the best views I've found until now.
Size Comparison names the diameter of the top plateau with 72 km
3D-Model nearly doesn't show the top crater walls, but how flat the
plateau is, especially at the west-side. General view doesn' show the
wall either. --- but Olympus Mons Caldera does. An enormous steep
wall around the caldera. As the caldera itself is an ellipse with a axis-
pair of 50 km to 70 km the height of the wall might have approximately
4-6 km as Zachary has stated. The height of the walls you can see better
at the "Mars/Atlas", the URL we viewed and zoomed before.

By some mistake the "eagle" has landed not at the foot,
but at the Top Plateau of Olympus Mons.

But where ?
This URL gives you the longitude / latitude of O.M. 18,4N 133,1W
The Close Ups of Center a little further down
shows a square area between 17,5-22,5N and 135,0-130W
Top of Olympus Mons is exactly at the edge of the silver line angle.
In her very first transmission Bette stated that the
communication platform is located at 18N 134W.

Do you see, the dark round hill at the left edge of the Center Close Up ?
Silver angle - north edge of the shadow - shadow runs north - and then
there is a little white dot at the west side of the shadow just in the round dark
field. - That's the platform.

Zachary stated at the first Clock Game (Zachary, Set Number 7)
>If I face toward the northern icecap and turn 90 degrees to the right, I see a high
>escarpment of Olympus Mons, and many ridges to the left. If I turn another 90
>degrees, I see more of the escarpment and ravines to the right. If I turn another
>90 degrees, I see the sunset.

Icecape (did say that he sees it, but free sight to north) - W: high escarpment (okay),
NW: ridges (the hills at the SW of the caldera ?) - S: more escarpment (okay if he
means the bow to the west then running south) - SW: many ridges (? Maybe in the
shadow )

See you the flat triangle area south of the dark hill, where the platform stands, with
The sharp drop down edge to the west ? That's, where I think Andrew made the picture
of the "proper landing site".

I started to think, when Zachary said:
>I saw three volcanoes when I was exploring two months ago with Andrew.
>We were looking for a landing site on the other side of Olympus

Going to the other side of Olympus and back at the foot of the Mons is a vacation of
Quite some more than 2000 km. At a speed of one mile per hour, not counting exploring
But walking all day for ten hours leads up to 200 days. They must be up at the saddle
walking around Kibu.




The cave is exactly 34,33 km south-east, looks like at the SW-wall of the small
Wall-Crater at the south, which is still 20 times the crater pot of Popocatepetl.
Size of the Caldera ~ 180 km2, little more then Liechtenstein or half the size of
Ngorongoro Crater)

But as I've seen Zachary has send a transmittion
therefore WSU next thread

(it's not of good behavior to make show off in the PS.
- I know it, but who can resists ?)

All PS's back. I've just looked into Zacharys transmittion. The cave is north of the
Platform. No let's think probably on the other side ? At the other wall-crater, no !!
Sorry I've to check the papers and ask Zachery.

But the platform is up there, I do know for sure.
