SUBJECT>Re: Metal/Not Metal Reboot POSTER>Dr.D STAFF>Yes EMAIL>DrD@MarsDawn.Com DATE>March 13, 1997 at 19:52:37 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1237 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Well -Yes that may qualify as metal/not metal .. Harry Zink and some ideas also..
So what is metal/not metal? And how did we get there …

Metal/Not Metal …
We knew that we mite not be able prepare them for all problems that came up so we put in a little "Gray Logic" Computers or Probes like things in Black and White .. Right or Wrong .. we knew that not every thing is black and white .. We did not won’t to have one get stuck trying to make a True or .False when both are correct.. So that where the Gray comes in.. It’s to white to be black, It to Black to be White. If you don’t have a word for it then it’s Black/White .. or Hot/Cold .. or Metal/Not Metal ..

I still don’t know what they have found but at I can see that some of our programming is working and they did not get stuck in a logic loop..

On :Game Robots Play

Follow the leader, Tag, Hide and seek, The Maze , Manhunt. Manhunt is similar to tag except there are two teams. This is some of the games we played with the probe before they were sent to mars.. We were hoping to find out how to get them to work as a team.
