SUBJECT>An inconsistency POSTER>Space Turtel EMAIL> DATE>March 13, 1997 at 07:00:54 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1242 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

On the one hand we are told that all probes must transmit to the communications platform to send messages even between themselves, and on the other hand we are told that Bette is now relaying for Enoch. How do we reconcile the difference? Could it be the "repairs" done to Enoch were really a modification to make it possible to act as a relay? That would suggest that Bette modified Enoch and Enoch modified Bette. That would explain why Bette was not transmitting during that time either.

What do you think? Did they do it? Why? Why were the probes not given that ability from the start?