SUBJECT>Now that's a big fan!! (WSU) POSTER>J.A.S.E. EMAIL> DATE>March 12, 1997 at 10:10:42 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>1211 1226 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

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The object that Enoch encountered in the cave looks an awful lot like a big honkin' fan to me. Why would a fan be located in a cave/tunnel?

WSU#1 The cave/tunnel is really a ventilation shaft. But what could possibly need a ventilation shaft that big?

WSU#2 The Martian civilization lives beneath the planets surface. It uses large ventilation shafts, like the one Enoch and Bette are in, to A) bring in fresh, for lack of a better word, "air", and B) to expel waste gases. If this is the case, we had better get Enoch and Bette out of the cave before it kicks on.

WSU#3 (This one is way out in left field) The probes are not really on Mars, but on a sophisticated spaceship disguised to look like Mars. This might explain why the platform landed harder than expected - the mass of the spaceship is not the same as Mars, therefore the gravity was different. Corrolary: Mars isn't really a planet, but really the above mentioned spaceship.

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