SUBJECT>Re: Musings: POSTER>Space Turtel EMAIL> DATE>March 10, 1997 at 11:18:24 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1154 NEXT>1174 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

JetStar said:

> Somewhere on this board and Dilyn again stated, we need
> organization. Space turtle volunteered, that's one. Who else
> wants to? I would recommend Harry, Snake, and MacMarts for
> probe liasons. Any other ideas, or should we let the probes
> decide base on their interactions to date?

I think you are absolutely correct that the probes must have a say in the matter. They are rapidly developing their own sense of self and self-determination. We should encourage that by allowing them to select their own coordinators. At the same time, we should simplify the selection process for them by giving them a short list from which to choose. We are dealing with the equiv. of young children and have to work within those constraints.

> As I asked previously, is that thing that tastes like metal/not
> metal a doorway (teleportation device) of somesort, if it is why
> don't we send a probe though? Maybe Daniel already went
> through.

The description of it "hard, dense, then suddenly shifting data like a reboot" suggests to me that it is some type of conveyance device. The sudden change in sensation could be the point at which the probe's appendage has begun to travel. Remember the strange sensations described by John and Alona (an eon ago it seems ;) when they traversed the portals? It could be a similar effect was being experienced by Enoch and Bette.

The size of the object was difficult to judge. Was it large enough for a probe to pass through? What is its purpose there? Where does it lead? Is it safe for organic life to pass through it? Is it safe for a probe to pass through it?

> What's going to happen when dt takes the team for a ride? Can
> he stop on Mars and let the team explore the cave and say hi
> to the probes?

dt already stated the Earth crew would not have any direct say in where the trip went, what it did, or what would/could be seen. I got the distinct impression that whatever our people might be permitted to do, interacting with other beings (organic, mechanic, or whatever) was definitely NOT part of the plan if they were not part of the crew or passenger manifest. The more we hear the less we appear to be able to do. I suspect soon the order will come "from on high" that we are not to have a ride at all. Call me the Chief Skeptic, it is my chosen title, but I can't see the ride taking place anymore. There are too many loose ends that can't be tied down fast enough. I would not count on anything dt has promised as a means of enhancing our ability to work on Mars.