SUBJECT>Re: Enoch and Bette, etc. POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>March 07, 1997 at 05:21:19 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1136 NEXT>1138 LINKNAME> LINKURL>


* Try and recall Enoch. This leaves us with no data on what we are dealing with on Mars. The probes have said that there is no other probe on Mars besides the "FIVE" of them -- (no Daniel). Where is Daniel? Was he taken by the "cave dwellers"?

* Send Bette in to "help" Enoch. We risk loss or TWO probes. Again, we do not have a clue what we are dealing here. From Enoch's message it is difficult to if he is being captured or if he wants Bette to come and help him so that they "can all win together". It is apparent that Enoch is in contact with another entity. Perhaps it is Daniel. Perhaps it is something alien. If Bette is sent in, I think strong caution should be urged. Bette is apparently afraid. My guess is that either she will refuse to go in or the fear will aid in her caution. Perhaps a good first step would be to see if there are any other tracks around the entrance to the cave other than Bette's or Enoch's.

* Abandon Enoch and restrict access to the cave area. Everything in me screams NO, but if Enoch has been captured by some evildoer, I don't think it would be wise to send other probes (without defensive capabilities) in on any kind of rescue. We need to have Enoch send as many pictures as possible with descriptions to try to determine the nature of the situation - Emergency or "Enoch's game".

* Bring other probes to help. Again we risk the loss of additional probe units. Gail is in the area and could reach the area probably the soonest if we want. It might confuse Gail, though if we change her orders again.

Let us remember that it is the weekend. We need to develop contingency plans for the probes. (If you see this, do this, else proceed to doing this.) We need to send extensive direction to ALL 5 probes so that they stay on track and do not have to come up with something to do "on their own" that would throw them off track. Is there any site preparation to do once the landing site is selected?

OK, let's get busy. We have a lot of work to do today.

