SUBJECT>Re: We'd better get organized here. POSTER>J.A.S.E. EMAIL> DATE>March 05, 1997 at 08:33:17 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1086 NEXT>1095 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I have entered into a conversation with Andrew in an attempt to find out more about the probes themselves (hardware, programming, etc.). The point being, as discussed down toward the bottom of the BBS, that if the other probes find Daniel, we might be able to have them reactivate him, IF we can teach them how. To be able to that, we need to know as much about them as possible. Also we need to know what they know about themselves.

Any information you can provide along these lines would be greatly appreciated. Also, does this sound like a logical line of thinking, or am I out in left field somewhere?