SUBJECT>Re: J.A.S.E.: I have an idea!! POSTER>J.A.S.E. EMAIL> DATE>March 03, 1997 at 13:12:50 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1045 NEXT>1054 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Macmarts (Martin isn't it?),

Good idea, but not very practical. Boot/reboot commands are VERY machine dependent. Each different "chip-set" has its own boot process. So, to send a boot command via transmission, I would need the full specs on the probe hardware, which I doubt is available, seeing as how this group doesn't own them.

Your idea is not without merit though, each of the functioning probes should contain a copy of the boot program (they booted after all). If they are capable of isolating the boot program, they ought to be able to download and activate the program from their end (barring any fatal hardware damage, e.g. broken/nonexistent power supply, smashed control circuits, etc.). But from reading what has bee stated here so far, the other probes don't even seem to acknowledge the existence of Daniel, which might make things more difficult.