SUBJECT>Re: J.A.S.E.: I have an idea!! POSTER>Macmarts EMAIL> DATE>March 03, 1997 at 12:34:01 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1035 NEXT>1046 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

JASE, your being here is giving me an idea:

Since the "what's-his-name" probe seems to be broken, and this
site seems to permit direct sendout of information to the probes on Mars, maybe we could use one of your standard "Reboot" routines that we could send there... either through the broken probe communication link, or through another, working probe.

After that, the broken probe might start working again...

If we had to send it through another (working) probe, all we'll need to do is "convince" the other probes to communicate the coded routine to the broken one.

Or something like that.

Does that sound reasonable (ie: I'm not a software engineer!)

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