SUBJECT>Re: New meat... What if "she's" a Man? *her* Royal ladeeda wouldn't sit right...**C-CAT*** POSTER>LtCdr Snake EMAIL> DATE>March 03, 1997 at 01:11:39 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1011 NEXT>1014 1018 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Cheshire Cat:

You offer:
>>"In fact I promise to give the first new
>>volunteer my title of Her Royal Highness Queen of the Universe >>(HRHQotU) "<<

Well I don't know how that's going to sit down at the Boxing/Martial Arts gym with the fellows I spar with. But what the heck, I'll help anyway. You can put the title on someone else I guess.

I think some of you may know of me. Those that don't are welcome to E-Mail me and ask away. I have certain abilities and contacts that may serve you well in this noble and honorable endeavor you seek to accomplish.

LtCdr Snake