SUBJECT>Re: Summary update POSTER>Al-Qahira EMAIL> DATE>Monday, 27 October 1997, at 9:12 a.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: STAFF>Yes PASSWORD>aaezZrelLwA9k PREVIOUS>3479 NEXT> 3483 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Great you are still around, Xanthos. Concerning your summaries Dr.D asked
me to be in charge of that. I highly appreciate your efforts and I have some
ideas how to reorganize the files as soon as I'm familiar with ftp. One thing
I gonna do immediately is to put your summary of the last week to the Current
Status, if that's okay with you.

What's about your Map, Xanthos? Are you still moving on to explore the
caves? I would like that. It's a nice idea and a good introduction for newbies.

We are also looking for a very condensed version to introduce newbies.
Something like your Quick Overview, but even more condensed. Could you
come up with something like that? Would be great!

keep my ears walking
