SUBJECT>[a horse enters the saloon] POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>Tuesday, 7 October 1997, at 12:43 p.m. IP_ADDRESS> REMOTE_HOST:; REMOTE_ADDR: PREVIOUS> NEXT> 3385 3388 IMAGE> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Murph,

What's about some strong coffee, Murph. I think I gonna need one.

You know, when I had been in here quite early this morning , I think I saw something like a fata morgana or I maybe I had a bad dream or some hallucinations ?? I really can't tell. --

I totally realistically had the feeling, you know, just like I 'm talking to you now, that I met a College girl or some kind of an over-confident chick from an Arizona State University in here that named herself something like Alexandra de Sousa, one of these half baked stuff, you know, with an artificial smile, like she would be working for a dentist magazine with these cinema scope pix, you know ... being in here, I tell you, just asking boastfully for any birthday presents, like Cleopatra in her best days. -- Now listen, Murph, when I offered her a Mercedes Benz, she totally vanished. Yes, Murph, just like she never had been in here, you know, and she didn't even ask for delivery. -- Absolutely strange, I tell you, isn't it, Murph ?? --

Do you have any idea, what that could have been ?? I'm still totally confused, you know. My goodness. -- Just vanished like that without asking for delivery. -- Maybe I shouldn't eat so much of that oat, Murph. There are sometimes some toxic ergots in it, I think. Works like crazy mushrooms, you know. --

Oh yes Murph, thinking of that, please be so kind and serve me some of that Alkacelza too and probably one of your cold ice-bag as well and maybe also some hot Apfelstrudel with Schlag. I'm sure that will help, Murph -- Thanks a lot -- You are always so kind to me --Murph -- I won't forget that --Thanks a lot -- Murph -- Thanks a lot ...