SUBJECT>Re: New Job! POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>July 14, 1997 at 10:07:19 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2622 NEXT>2632 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hey, Taz.

My condolences on your termination and my congratulations on your new job. I guess I should offer you my condolulations, eh?

I went through the exact same thing at the New Year. On December 31, 1996, the University of Cincinnati (a state-owned school) sold its Medical Center to a private organization, University Hospital, Inc. The transition took place at midnight - I was terminated at 0000 and hired at 0001. It was the first time that the New Year had any actual significance to me. It was even more significant for my wife. She woke up with a state employee; at midnight, was kissing an unemployed man; went to bed with a guy working in the private sector.

Our department has been lucky. We are operating efficiently. The only change any of us street-level grunts have seen is our Department Director (the boss' boss) is considerably more stressed out.

Any change on the horizon for you?
