SUBJECT>From a new post... POSTER>Sunpath.N.X.211 EMAIL> DATE>July 04, 1997 at 22:13:03 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2521 2522 2526 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hello to all supporters and staff of the MarsDawn Project. I had been interested in finding more about the MarsPathfinder and Sojourner rover sent by NASA, but have been pulled into this forum and find myself just facinated with the degree of commitment to the mission.

Please count me in and if I can be of any help I offer my services.

Question--Is there hope that NASA may be of assistance to the probes? Is there any support from the United States Air Force Space Command?
How has the news of Mars Pathfinder effected the probes' behaviors? Have they been told?

(NOTE--I am reluctant to call them machines but I would refer to them as silicon-based intelligence(SBI), just as we human beings could refer to ourselves as carbon-based intelligence(CBI)

Pax lux nova ad astra et Mars,

(Peace and new light to the stars and Mars,

The Wolfspirit