SUBJECT>Re: OK. That's it. I've had it. (GZ) POSTER>kanga EMAIL> DATE>July 02, 1997 at 18:21:46 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2503 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

*sitting up bleary eyed the young sprite yawns and looks around*

"hey what's all this noise?"

*seeing Grand Zero, and thinking to herself that that's exactly what he looks like at the moment, she realizes that they've started the fourth of July celebrations early AND without her. getting up from the couch she slowly walks out the door. the men look at each other ans shrug.*

"wonder where she's going." GZ says.

*but as he is finishing his "-ing" she walks back in dressed in a short, low-cut navy blue dress, with backseam stockings in the same color, and heels so high that she looks as if she might tip over at the slightest breeze. he hair is pulled up in a french twist and the slightest scent of Red can be smelled in the air as she walks past. she walks to the cooler and helps herself to an ice cold bottle of Dr. Pepper. the condensation from the bottle drips off and rolls down her neck collecting in the hollow where her collarbones meet.*





