SUBJECT>Re: OK. That's it. I've had it. (GZ) POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>July 02, 1997 at 14:54:56 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2502 NEXT>2505 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

[A man enters the room wearing a flightsuit and a leather jacket with the name "Bandicoot" on the front and a strangely familiar nose art design on the back. He proceeds to the kitchen and starts to make a cup of raspberry tea. While waiting for the kettle to boil, he sees Zero doing his best imitation of Taz. He turns off the kettle and heads for the party...]

Hey, Zero! Careful! You're gonna hurt somebody for sure.

[He heads for the furry creature munching pizza. He grabs a slice, then asks...]

Mind if I try some, Koala? Thanks!

[After sampling it, he pauses, furrows his brow and declares...]

This is bad. I mean, really really awful.

[He finishes the slice anyway.]

I think I need something to drink - anything. Where's my cyber-case?

[Seeing the case on a table, he heads for it. He stops to think about what kind of beer he wants....something British....Bass would go good right now. He reaches in and pulls out a cold fish wearing a kilt. He stops to think a little more clearly this time. He pulls out a bottle of Bass ale this time. After drawing heavily from the bottle, he grabs the fish and heads for the bandstand. Just before he grabs his sax and starts to play along with the jukebox, he tosses the bass to the dancing dervish...]

Zero! Catch!