SUBJECT>Re: Mars Pathfinder to land July 4th! POSTER>Xanthos EMAIL> DATE>June 26, 1997 at 11:15:26 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2451 NEXT>2455 2457 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Murphy, have you some of that good strudel left ??

Hello joule,

Yes I've checked the pathfinder-mission Good they are 5800 km east. If accidentally
one of our probes stepped on her (they call these 25 lbs. "she", isn't that cue) or it (she)
is covered by some leftover dirt of the trench construction, could be blamable, couldn't
it. -- Have you seen, it (she) makes only 5 meters per hour. That's more than 320 times
slower than our probes and as it looks to me, it (she) is unarmed too and too easily to be
stopped by little trench, my goodness ...

On the other hand, if our probes had been of its (her) size,
the ETs wouldn't be as scared as they are. Anyway, ...
