SUBJECT>Re: Team Report POSTER>Psiclops EMAIL> DATE>June 18, 1997 at 06:46:53 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2392 NEXT>2394 LINKNAME> LINKURL>
A small statement at the beginning of the report along the lines of "We have contracted with an outside consulting firm to do some analysis of our situation--here is their first report," would have been all that was necessary. As it was presented, it appeared to be coming from the Team itself, and that makes quite a different impression.
As for the Zip Team analyses from EON-4, I didn't laugh at them, but I thought they were next to useless, i.e., "Why waste the time? It's a nice thought, but couldn't you be doing something more constructive?" I fear the Team Reports may go the same route. I'll give the staff the benefit of the doubt for the time being.