SUBJECT>Re: Happy Father's Day! POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>June 13, 1997 at 11:44:28 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2352 NEXT>2358 2363 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

My little boy is only 3 1/2, but he is every bit as precious to me. By a quirk of the time sharing schedule, he is with me on Mother's Day and her on Father's Day. I have yet to know a Father's Day celebration where I am both than my father's son and my son's Daddy, but I hope the hostilities will someday end between me and my ex-wife and we can act more like adults by agreeing to exchange those two weekends.

G-d forbid any of you should suffer a breakup of your marriage. Please consider the hurt that is so easy to create when the dissolution is nasty and hostile. It hurts you, your ex, and most especially the children who don't deserve it at all.

Happy Father's Day to all the MARSupial Daddies, everywhere.

Koala, trying not to cry all over my desk while I think of a fourth Father's Day without my son.