SUBJECT>Technical Specifications POSTER>T-Bird STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>June 12, 1997 at 15:41:09 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2338 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>
Probes - Walk, talk, poke. No weapons, No significant carrying ability. They are designed to explore and scout.
Miner drones - move, dig tunnels. Explosive charges (presumably with timers or drone would blow itself up by using. They are designed to mine for the raw materials and transport to Lander #2 for processing into fuel and construction materials. No significant AI. Controlled by probes.
Big drones - move, carry large items. They are designed to move things and build structures. No significant AI. Controlled by probes.
Lander #1, transport original probes to mars, fuel tanks (now empty), transmitter & antennas.
Lander #2, Factory designed to manufacture fuel and basic construction materials (formed concrete?)
I beleive all of the above has been covered before, please excuse any mistakes I have made (in case of conflict - details presented in story are right). I included some speculation and comments which should have been obvious.