SUBJECT>Re: Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!! POSTER>Bombardier EMAIL> DATE>May 19, 1997 at 10:15:10 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>2200 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

[Ripped from his pleasant slumber in the bunkroom, the Bomber, in one swift, well-practiced move, swings his legs out of bed and into his boots as he simultaneously grabs his kit from under the bunk. He races for the Mess where he heard the scream from his friend. As he enters the room, he stops briefly to survey the scene.

Near the middle of the room Grand Zero lays half under a table. He has a cinnamon roll in one hand but his regular joe has been spilled violently across the table top. Taz is standing at the other side of the table, staring in horror. The rest of the scene survey yields no potential threat, so the Bomber approaches.

As he nears GZ, he notices that he is twitching, but it doesn't look like a seizure. He asks Taz what happened, but Taz is, at the moment, speechless. He rolls Zero onto his back. As he assures an open airway, he also checks for a pulse. Finding a strong pulse, he calls his name....]

Zero? Zero! ZERO! Wake up! Talk to me!

[Getting no response to verbal stimulus, he presses his finger into Zero's mastoid process, hoping to evoke a response to pain...]

C'mon pal! Open your eyes.

[His only response is a groan. As he begins a detailed secondary exam, Bomber says in a calm, reassuring voice...]

OK, Taz. Snap out of it. What happened? You've GOT to tell me what happened.

[The Bomber continues his assessment, noting cold, clammy skin, extreme pallor, and bilateral dilated pupils. Taz begins to explain....]

Well, I was just talking about some constructive criticism that I had when he grabbed his head and shrieked. As he collpased he said, "Time Thing" and

[The psychic shock sends Bomber reeling. He falls from his kneeling position into a fetal position. The only thing that saves him from Zero's fate is his heightened awareness for danger that always accompanies him at emergencies. He grabs for his kit and pulls out a jar of beeswax. He stuffs small lumps of wax into his ears to protect him from further assault. He tries to clear his head by shaking it, to no avail. Grimacing, he again reaches into his kit. He withdraws a syringe marked only with a yellow happy face and injects the contents into the muscle of his thigh. He seems to relax slightly and the grimace slowly melts from his face.

He regains his focus and crawls back to Zero with another smiley syringe in his hand. Due to the nature of the first shock, as well as his suffering a second shock, Bomber gives Zero a full dose of antidote intravenously.

After a few minutes, Zero begins to come around. Twenty minutes later, he is awake but groggy, sipping some Gatorade.]

"What happened?" asks the Grand One.

Rubbing his neck with one hand and holding out the beeswax in the other, the Bomber replies, "Uh, if you're going to ask questions like that, you're going to need some of this."