SUBJECT>Hhhheeeelllllooooooo...Anybody hoooommmmmeee???? POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>May 14, 1997 at 09:05:30 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2089 2090 2091 2095 2100 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

The big old fellow strolls into the MessHall. The chairs are all up on the tables, with not a soul in sight. He jolts as Taz who is reading a technical journal and sipping his coffee, walks right into him.

Where is everybody??? Is there some kind of holiday that is celebrated everywhere but Dallas? No staff, no MARSupials, not even any sprites and gnomes.

Dr.D, is there something wrong with the comm equipment? The probes haven't reported in yet.

Taz, looking around, notes, "Well at least Ed is here. The floor is still wet from his mopping and waxing.

Over at the "Regular Joe" pot, the old fellow observes, "Yeah and Murphy's been here. The coffee is hot and fresh." Maybe we oughtta just hang out here and see if anybody else shows up.

He takes down two chairs and they await the rest of the gang.

