SUBJECT>Chessie fades out for a while POSTER>CheshireCat STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>May 07, 1997 at 18:10:17 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS> NEXT>2034 LINKNAME> LINKURL>
I could list my questions on and on.
So, while I'm gone, take care of our kids. Keep 'em away from any meanies. I'll be heading straight for the boards as soon as I get home.
Murphy, can I request a special vegetarian pizza for when I get home? I'll miss your cookin' while I'm gone. Keep Ed company for me. He gets grumpy without me singin' to him once in a while (no matter what he may say to the contrary).
Nimrod, keep the gnomes and sprites out of my office while I'm away, OK?
Take care yall, "Keep your sensors tight,"