SUBJECT>Re: BAR-B-QUE...BAR-B-QUE...BAR-B-QUE...(Psiclops) POSTER>Grand Zero EMAIL> DATE>April 25, 1997 at 07:22:43 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1848 NEXT>1851 1873 LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Sorry, Psi, I should have been more sensitive. How about visualizing roasted corn and potatoes, baked beans and cole slaw, some hot home-made rolls, a hot, fresh-baked apple pie and all the fresh lemonade and iced tea you can drink. Having a Bar-b-que is more than just eating meat. It's a celebration for the whole community.

It's kinda rainy here this weekend so we may have to move things inside, but but we could certainly have a barn dance and some good old-fashioned fellowship. I'll crank out some homemade ice cream to finish it all off.

"Swing your partner

Cranking up the harmonica with a little "Cotton-eyed Joe".

