SUBJECT>Re: New Virus - AOL4Free - another hoax?? (Bombardier) POSTER>Dr.D STAFF>Yes EMAIL> DATE>April 24, 1997 at 16:08:12 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1825 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

I don't have the doc's with me now but I know about ActiveX and Java. There is a some items with ActiveX and Java that will not let them access your information unless you install them on to your system. You can have ActiveX controls that do task like a screen clock and Moving items on the browsers screen that can not get "out of the sand box" as told by Bill Gates at the Microsoft Developer Conferance this past Nov the CA. ( I was there) . Now if you install a Control on your system that changes things. You let it out of "the sand box" When a ActiveX control downloads you should get a certifcate notice that has been signed by the creater. ( this also goes for Java Amplet too) . If you know who the signer is then you can run it. With some hope that it will do what it should. This is just a simple version of what happens . But I do this type of Stuff and Like to help let everyone know what is going on. I someone would like I will locate some more notes on that but this was just off the top of my head.