SUBJECT>Re: Breakfast (Taz aka JASE) POSTER>Koala EMAIL> DATE>April 24, 1997 at 06:27:56 EMAILNOTICES>no PREVIOUS>1810 NEXT> LINKNAME> LINKURL>

Hi Taz,

I really was just looking to raz you about the apparent lack of sleep you seem to enjoy. Now that I know your time zone secret I see why you are always the first one taking a crack at the probes.

My E-Mail address, like yours, is only checked once a day. It is not my work address and cannot be accessed from there. But it serves me well, especially for a FREE service and I can't complain too much -- besides, who would want to listen (G).

Have a good day. I think I'll go visit the probes now.

TTFN, Koala